Following several turn of events, Josh "Watson" Watson has completed his long-time desire to compete within the NA competitive Call of Duty scene.
In an announcement made on the 13th August, Watson revealed that we would be swapping the European scenery for that of our American counterparts, as he joins dT, alongside Troy "Sender" Michaels, Spencer "Anticity" Askins and Steven "Diabolic" Rivero.
While dT do not currently hold a spot in the MLG Pro League, as stated in Watson’s official announcement, the team have their eyes set on “MES, UMG DC and Hopefully MLG Worlds”.
In addition to this, Watson may be able to secure his league debut, as he will also be acting as a substitute for fellow European organisation, TCM Gaming.
Watson joins a growing list of European players who have opted to test their abilities within the North American scene, as they aim to “develop further as a player”.
We would like to wish Mr Audacious the best of look in his future endeavours, and we hope to see you at the Gfinity Arena again.
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