Helldivers 2 CEO increases server size, but it’s still rough out there

helldivers 2 character holding gun giving thumbs up with dead creature and soldiers in background

helldivers 2 character holding gun giving thumbs up with dead creature and soldiers in background

The Helldivers 2 server capacity limit has been significantly increased in preparation for the busy weekend, but it likely won't be enough.

According to the CEO of Arrowhead Game Studios and the Game director, Johan Pilestedt, the company has reportedly increased the concurrent player capacity up to a whopping 700,000 in preparation for the weekend when they expect it to be the busiest.

However, they have also stated, "Unfortunately, we expect the CCU to reach that level.". This increase was done with the belief that "We believe that the wait times will be much more bearable." according to Johan Pilestedt, who took to X with these updates.

Helldivers 2 is currently notorious for lengthy waiting times, with some players managing to hit Steam's 2-hour refund limit while being unable to connect to the servers due to busy and overcrowded queues. However, some people have learned how to bypass queues.

Despite these warnings and apprehensions, Helldivers 2 has remained at a steady 400k. However, the game hit its highest concurrent player count at 458,709 during the last 24 hours at the time of writing this article. The developers seem to have overestimated their expected player count, but perhaps this was for the best.

Some players are still getting errors such as error code "10003001" on PS5, rewards not dropping, game freezes and stutters, and random disconnections. The developers appear to be hard at work trying to fix all these issues and have tried to address all of them in their latest patch.

The developers are also introducing new methods to free up queue space, such as kicking out inactive players who are hogging the servers. Some players seem to leave their game idle after logging in to avoid going through the queue again.

Helldivers 2 is currently available on PC and PS5, with an Xbox release seeming unlikely despite player protests and demands.

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