Jaws simulator Maneater has hit a huge milestone in sales

maneater shark evolved with scars underwater with green seaweed

maneater shark evolved with scars underwater with green seaweed


  • Maneater has managed to hit 14 million in sales across all platfroms.
  • This is an impressive feat considering the game has been available on Game Pass and PS Plus.
  • Tripwire Interactive announced a change in CEO and future policies with their IPs.

Maneater has reportedly made over 14 million sales across PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and PC and continues to gain momentum.

"Since its release in 2020 Maneater has sold over 14 million units worldwide across all platforms," announced the developers Tripwire Interactive in a recent post on their website.

For those unfamiliar, Maneater is basically a Jaws parody and can be described as an action RPG where you play as a shark. If that sounds dumb, then it's because it is.

Maneater is meant to be a lighthearted game akin to something like the acclaimed Goat Simulator. Take control of a man-eating shark and wreak havoc across a beach and city, as you continue to become larger and more threatening.

What makes these sales figure truly impressive is the fact that the game has been made available on Game Pass for free. Furthermore, it even dropped on PlayStation Plus for free. Despite this, millions continue to choose to purchase Maneater to show support for the developers.

Going through user feedback, many players attribute their purchase to the game being dumb fun and doing something different even if they got bored later.

Tripwire Interactive also announced that Matthew LoPilato would be taking the reins as the company's new CEO, with former CEO Alan Wilson stepping down into the role of Vice President.

The press release stated that "As CEO, LoPilato will be responsible for continuing to lead the company as they further invest in their tentpole IPs (Killing Floor series, Maneater, and more) as well as grow their portfolio through Tripwire Presents, the company's 3rd party publishing division, and other strategic partnerships."

I am grateful to Alan for what he has done for our studio. He has been an amazing leader, mentor and friend to me all these years and I am thankful to him, and the other founders, for the opportunity to continue with their vision and build upon that legacy of achievements and successes for the next phase of our company,” added Matt LoPilato.

Maneater was released for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in May 2020, the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S in November 2020, and the Nintendo Switch in May 2021.

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