Modern Warfare 3 devs finally disable broken Groot skin

Modern Warfare 3 Gaia Groot skin with lanterns in foreground
Credit: Activision

Modern Warfare 3 Gaia Groot skin with lanterns in foreground
Credit: Activision

The Modern Warfare 3 Groot skin is finally disappearing after Sledgehammer Games revealed plans to disable the broken cosmetic.

The Groot skin has caused chaos during the Pre-Season of Modern Warfare 3 due to its lack of visibility making it impossible to see on certain maps. After weeks of frustration, the Modern Warfare 3 developer has decided to take necessary action.

To stop it from causing problems before Season 1 begins, Sledgehammer Games plans on temporarily removing the Groot skin from Modern Warfare 3 to improve its visibility in all areas to stop players gaining an unfair advantage over the course of a match.

The announcement quickly caught the attention of players who were thrilled with the news.

During Sledgehammer Games' Q&A session, the developer said: "Adjustments to Gaia and Gaia Blackcell Operator skins are in the pipeline for Modern Warfare 3. In a future game update, we'll disable this item until said changes can be released to all players."

As expected, many are looking forward to the day the Groot skin disappears. One fan says: "Holy shot Sledgehammer is god tier right now. Good communication, disabling broken stuff, actually listening to the community and taking their opinions into account."

While many are excited by the imminent removal of the Modern Warfare 3 Groot skin, others are concerned about the potential of another skin filling its boots. One player says: "Sweats always find a way. Just give them a week and they will find another Groot/Roze skin to abuse."

Sledgehammer Games hasn't revealed an exact date as to when the Modern Warfare 3 Groot skin will disappear but it won't be long before it heads to the workshop for some fine-tuning.

Modern Warfare 3 skins that blend into various areas of the map are far from ideal. Let's hope there's no Groot skin replacements that catch the eyes of players looking for the upper hand.

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