Monster Hunter: Wilds Leak Sees Return of Fan-Favorite Monster

Lagiacrus MH Tri

Lagiacrus MH Tri

It’s been two weeks since we’ve had our taste of what CAPCOM is cooking with Monster Hunter: Wilds from its limited-time open beta. We still miss it, but we have no choice but to wait for four more months before its release.

One thing that got us excited, though, is the leaks that came with it. Keen-eyed Monster Hunter players were busily data-mining the game during its PC release and found interesting fan-favorite names.


MH Wilds Key Art
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Credit: CAPCOM

Reddit users from r/GamingLeaksAndRumours have compiled this information from the leak that circulated on Baidu, a Chinese message board.

Fans were initially suspicious of it, as they were skeptical about its nature; however, after the PC release, viable proof was hidden among its files, and they found the code.

Found under the natives/stm/gamedesign/common/enemy/enemydata.user.3 directory are a list of monsters that are going to please longtime fans of the series. The names are:

  • Rathian
  • Rathalos
  • Alpha Rathalos
  • Gravios
  • Yian Kut-Ku
  • Gypceros
  • Congalala
  • Blangoga
  • Lagiacrus
  • Nerscylla
  • Gore Magala
  • Seregios
  • Alpha Fulgur Anjanath
  • Alpha Ebony Odogaron
  • Doshaguma
  • Alpha Doshaguma
  • Balahara
  • Chatacabra
  • Rey Dau
  • Unnamed Alpha Monster
  • Unnamed Ice Monster
  • Unnamed Final Boss
  • Other 9 Unnamed Monsters

The mere mention of Lagiacrus alone will surely bring in the series's hardcore fans. The iconic Leviathan from Monster Hunter Tri marks its much-needed return after all these years. No one knows how the fight would work, considering that Monster Hunter: Wilds has no swimming mechanics. However, we may be fighting Lagiacrus in a special arena instead.

Another interesting name from the leak is the Temnoceran Nerscylla, first introduced in Monster Hunter 4. This spider can inflict various status ailments on unsuspecting hunters, making it a formidable foe in higher ranks. Nerscylla is an obvious addition to the Wilds' roster, as the spider skeleton already exists with Lala Barina, the Apex Predator of Wild's Scarlet Forest.

Gore Magala
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Credit: CAPCOM

Monster Hunter: World fans will be happy with adding Anjanath and Odogaron. These two monsters are notorious for being the first major wall for first-time hunters. The Magalas are also appearing, but the leak only specified Gore. No one knows if the Magala family will make their full appearance, but it would be great if we see them at its full power.

Anjanath Up Close
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Credit: CAPCOM

Others include monsters we haven’t seen since the old-gen titles: the fanged beast Blangoga, the wyvern Gypceros, and the rock-tempered monster Gravios. Sure, they aren’t the world-ending types, but it’s nice to have them back and craft their skins for armor again.

Monster Hunter: Wilds will be released on February 28 next year, and fans, including me, are eagerly awaiting the demo.

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