Stellar Blade’s Success in Japan is as Big as Eve’s Booty

stellar blade selling out quickly in japan
Credit: SHIFT UP

stellar blade selling out quickly in japan
Credit: SHIFT UP


  • Stellar Blade is selling out in Japan
  • Various stores have limited purchases to one copy per customer
  • The game is also sold out in various stores

We still don’t know how well Stellar Blade is selling worldwide, but the action RPG seems to be doing really well in Japan. The busty slasher seems to have sold out in various Japanese stores and some of them are limiting copies to one per customer.

According to Twitter user Genki, fans picking up a copy of this PS5 exclusive can only get one copy per person, showing how much the game has been selling. Corroborating this story is Dr. Serkan Toto, who says that the game is actually sold out in most Tokyo stores, which is a rare feat.

In a different tweet, Toto said Stellar Blade is a rare feat amongst newer blockbuster games, since those don’t tend to sell out in Japan right away. Mainline games like Pokémon will always sell out, but newer AAA games haven’t had that same level of success. Smaller games tend to sell out quickly since stories don’t always order enough copies for them.

Sony did a pretty good job hyping up this action RPG, since this is a PS5 exclusive and won’t be coming out for other systems at the time of writing. It also helps that the game is packed to the brim with sex appeal, as Eve has some of the skimpiest attires we’ve seen. Japanese games are no stranger to scantily-clad female characters, so this was a match made in heaven.

Despite a lot of the marketing’s focus on Eve’s bootylicious body, Stellar Blade ended up being a solid game in its own right. The hack-and-slash RPG has received plenty of positive reviews from critics, while less pervy gamers do respect its combat mechanics. Even the devs have used Eve’s sex appeal to challenge players, as her skimpiest outfit makes her take more damage.

Fans can pick up Stellar Blade now on PS5, with fans hoping that the game eventually comes to other systems. We can only imagine how crazy fans will go with mods if this game ends up on PC.

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