Rainbow Six Extraction is the first entry launching with PS5 and Xbox Series X in mind. While Siege has since been ported to new-gen consoles, its led to fans hoping this next entry will take full advantage by offering 120fps, considering Siege offered this.
Ubisoft's now outlined the technical details for this new-gen shooter across both consoles, so if you're looking to find out how Extraction runs, here’s everything we know about how it will perform.
Read More: Rainbow Six Extraction Preview – A Promising Spin-Off for Team Rainbow
Will Rainbow Six Extraction be 120fps on PS5 and Xbox Series X?
Sadly, the answer is no. At least, not right now. Rainbow Six Extraction Technical Director Bruno Lalonde told MP1st that the PS5 and Xbox Series X versions of this game will run at 60fps at 4k, which is admittedly still impressive.
Granted, Rainbow Six Extraction is a cross-generation title, one that's coming nearly seven years after Siege launched, so this isn't too surprising. By comparison, on PS4 and Xbox One, Extraction run at a solid 30fps with 1080p resolution instead.
Rainbow Six Extraction - Will It Get a 120fps Patch?
Ubisoft's given significant support to Rainbow Six Siege, and we can't imagine Rainbow Six Extraction would be any different. There's certainly a possibility that Extraction's getting a 120fps patch in the future, but nothing's been confirmed on that front.
Will Rainbow Six Extraction be 120fps on PC?
Bruno Lalonde confirmed that for high-end PCs, Rainbow Six Extraction can run at 120fps. We don't know what resolution that'll have when selecting this option though, but we'll update this once we find out. If you're planning to play on PC, you can find the specs and system requirements here.
Rainbow Six Extraction comes to PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Stadia, Luna and PC platforms on January 20th, 2022.
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