3 Biggest Gambling Streamers to Watch

3 Biggest Gambling Streamers to Watch

3 Biggest Gambling Streamers to Watch

Just like people enjoy watching others play sports or video games, they also love watching other people gambling. Why? Well, imagine watching UFC or a high-profile boxing match - you’re enjoying something incredibly violent without ever being in harm’s way.

By watching other people gamble, you’re getting a second-hand adrenaline rush without putting a single dollar of your own money on the line. It really sounds like a great deal.

So, who do people watch when they need some of this action? Well, here are the top three gambling streamers (or streaming channels, to be more precise) worth following.

  • Trainwreckstv

Imagine being so big that your gambling streams are one of the biggest controversies in the history of Twitch. Then, after you’re “driven” from the platform, you co-start the competing platform (Kick) that threatens to shake the foundations of the streaming world.

While he prefers games like Might of Ra, Starz, and Hotel Yeti-Way, he also plays more traditional games like blackjack and roulette.

The streamer is also known for his passion for sports betting, even winning over $1.5 million on World Cup matches in the past year.

Still, one thing has to be said about Trainwrecks, which is the fact that he’s also transparent about his losses. Sure, he’s bragging about betting on Saudi Arabia to beat Argentina, but he’s also showing all his losing bets.

Whether it’s a spin on a slots game, a major World Cup match, or a sumo fight on Bet365, you can bet on Trainwrecks to disclose all his wins and losses.

  • xQc

While xQc is definitely not just a gambling streamer, his switch to a gambling-friendly Kick was the biggest streaming world event in 2023.

This is not that surprising since xQc is a huge name in the streaming world, probably even the biggest streamer alive, capable of amassing as many as 100,000 live viewers. For his (non-exclusive) transfer to Kick, he got $100,000,000, which has stirred a lot of feathers in the online community.

Originally an Overwatch streamer, xQc transitioned into an incredibly successful variety streamer earlier this year.

xQc does the majority of his online gambling on Stake. Truth be told, X was always gambling; the only difference is that with new sponsorships and on a new platform, his wagers have gone up significantly. In his own words, two years ago, his spins were $40, while these spins in 2023 are $50,000.

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Also, even though he’s sponsored to gamble, xQc has always been open about his passion for betting.

  • CasinoDaddy

To avoid being accused of Kick bias, here’s a channel that streams on Twitch and YouTube. Unlike the previous two, this is not a streamer but a team of streamers. Now that more players are involved, they can stream 14 hours per day, seven days per week.

Three Swedish brothers run the platform. Passionate about poker and live roulette, this trio is renowned for its high-stakes games and entertaining personality.

Other than just poker and slot streams, the trio is also renowned for its IRL streams, flexing luxury watches, and legendary cars. They even had a two-day island survival/fishing trip, which was a nice change of pace.

Regardless of all their IRL streams, the brothers are really quiet about their private lives.

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