Star Wars: Squadrons guide: Best Fleet Battles build

If you’ve made your way through the Squadrons campaign, and tried out the multiplayer — maybe by taking the X-wing for a spin in Dogfight mode — you’re probably itching to give Fleet Battles a try.

Here’s my advice: take a chance on the bomber class, and equip the rotary-cannon as your primary. The results should speak for themselves after just a handful of warm-up games.

Once you get used to the speed and maneuverability of the bomber class, you’ll learn to love tearing through enemy players with the rotary cannon — as well as taking down flagships.

Here are my recommended loadouts for both the Y-wing and TIE bomber, which are my constant go-to picks for Fleet Battles. Get ready to have some fun.

Best Fleet Battles loadout for the Y-wing bomber

Drop a seeker mine when you’ve got an enemy directly on your tail and experience the rush of what feels like a free kill.

When you’re going in for an attack run on an enemy cruiser, frigate, or flagship, engage the assault shield, which lets the bomber class “tank” the enemy objectives like crazy.

The unstable engine acts like Call of Duty’s classic “martyrdom” perk, essentially. Occasional free kills upon death.

  • Primary weapon: Rotary cannon
  • Left auxiliary: Assault shield
  • Right auxiliary: Seeker mine
  • Countermeasures: Particle burst
  • Hull: Reinforced hull
  • Shields: Conversion shield
  • Engine: Unstable engine

Best Fleet Battles loadout for the TIE bomber

This is basically the same concept, minus the luxury of a dedicated shield generator. But you’ll be pretty hard to take down regardless — and the unstable engine might make them wish they hadn’t messed with you.

  • Primary weapon: Rotary cannon
  • Left auxiliary: Assault shield
  • Right auxiliary: Seeker mine
  • Countermeasures: Chaff particles
  • Hull: Reinforced hull
  • Engine: Unstable engine

Best of luck out there, starpilot.

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