The StarCraft 1v1 League will officially be starting on Wednesday 24th September at 19:00 BST (20:00 CEST).
The format will also be changing. With an odd number of sign ups,we’ve decided to add a couple extra curveballs into the 1v1 league. Originally we set out to have an 8 man group round robin format which would feed into a much larger bracket, now we’re upping the group to 9 people. Meaning each player within the group will play a total of 8 matches vs the other opponents in the group, the league itself will take place every wednesday starting next week and will last for 8 weeks total.
Having 9 people in a group has proven to be a bit tricky with schedules as you’ll always have 1 player without a match each week. To make sure every player does get a match and the schedule stays within the 8 week slot we’ve provided there’ll be a couple of extra nights where players will play 2 games. All these matches have been added to the schedule as you can see (and these will be played at 18:00 BST/19:00 CEST, so one hour before standard schedule times).
Click Here for the league fixtures and schedule
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