The latest Street Fighter 5 DLC package is coming very soon to players all over the world. One of video gaming's most famous fighting game franchises is releasing another iteration to its most recent game.
Street Fighter V Champion Edition will be the biggest content drop players have seen in quite some time and its great to see the game still generating new and exciting features after originally releasing in 2016.
Here's everything you need to know about Street Fighter V Champion Edition.
What Is It?
Street Fighter V Champion Edition is the most robust version of the acclaimed fighting game!
Street Fighter V: Champion Edition will include all content (excluding Fighting Chance costumes, brand collaboration costumes and Capcom Pro Tour DLC) from both the original release and Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition.
Champion Edition adds each character, stage and other content that released after Arcade Edition and will include all launch content coming to this new version."
Release Date and Platforms
Street Fighter V Champion Edition is set to release on the 14th February 2020 - just in time for Valentine's Day!
This edition of Street Fighter V will launch on the PC and PS4.
The game will be available in both physical and digital form.
Pre-Order Bonuses
One of the coolest pre-order bonuses for any Street Fighter title, if you pre-order the game you will access a new outfit for EVERY character in the game!
A unique reward set that will be cool to see how each skin varies from its original.
Check out the Pre-Order trailer for Street Fighter V Champion Edition.
Watch the Street Fighter V Champion Edition reveal trailer
Character List
It has been confirmed when Street Fighter V Champion Edition releases, it will feature 40 characters which are all listed below!
- Abigail
- Akuma
- Alex
- Balrog
- Birdie
- Blanka
- Cammy
- Chun-Li
- Cody
- Dhalsim
- E. Honda
- Ed Street
- F.A.N.G
- Falke
- G
- Gill
- Guil
- Ibuki
- Juri
- Kage
- Karin
- Ken
- Kolin
- Laura
- Lucia
- M.
- Menat
- Nash
- Necalli
- Poison
- R. Mika
- Rashid
- Ryu
- Sagat
- Sakura
- Seth
- Urien
- Vega
- Zangief
- Zeku
Follow us on Twitter for the latest Street Fighter V news. Tweet us if you're excited for the Champion Edition.
Written ByNick Farrell@NCF7_
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