Sons Of The Forest: When Is The PS4 Release Date?

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Sons of the Forest is the new sequel to Endnight's survival horror The Forest.

Released in 2018, the game has been a hit with many players over the last few years.

So much so the sequel has been made and seems well into development.

There's isn't a ton of information on the game as of yet but we've got the trailer and the PS4 release date for you.

READ MORE: Is The Forest Coming to Xbox One?


An announcement trailer for Sons of the Forest sequel premiered at The Game Awards 2019, give a look below. 


Source: IGN Youtube channel

Release Date

Right now there isn't an official release date.

Many suspect the game to release next year, 2021.

Whereas others believe we might see the game further into the future in 2022.

I think it's more likely we'll see the game in late 2021, maybe Halloween?

This is because the game already seems quite far along in development.

We'll update you if we find out anything more!

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