Uncharted arrives in cinemas next month and Sony's marketing push continues. Releasing a final trailer, the film stars Tom Holland as Nathan Drake and Mark Wahlberg as Victor Sullivan, showing a glimpse of the famous cargo-plane scene from Uncharfted 3.
Showcasing Holland's Nathan Drake jumping from a galleon going to another galleon, there's a few highlights here, including the two stars having a chat about who'll own a cat at the end of the trailer.
Read More: Tom Holland Dragged Away from Uncharted During Set of Spider-Man Filming
Uncharted Film Releases Final Trailer Before Release Next Month
This final trailer follows a new behind-the-stunts video, where Holland spoke about the plane scene. Saying he was swung to "have that level of fear" which "makes that scene more authentic," Holland confirmed:
"We must have shot that for 5 weeks, almost everyday. At times, I’d be almost 100 feet in the air, attached to a box that was spinning. And then basically I would hang on until it would throw me off."
Uncharted will release on February 18, 2022, in cinemas worldwide. Make sure to follow us for more entertainment news and updates as it happens.
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