Is Valorant Available on Steam?

From left to right, Agents Pheonix and Jett are shown next to the Valorant logo.

From left to right, Agents Pheonix and Jett are shown next to the Valorant logo.

Valorant, a tactical team-based shooter developed by Riot Games, is fairly popular at this moment in time. Compared to the likes of CS:GO and Overwatch, you can imagine that a lot of PC gamers want to give it a shot and see if the title tickles their fancy. Especially given that the game is free to play!

In this guide, we explain where to play Valorant and whether it is available on Steam.

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Is Valorant Available on Steam?

Naturally, a popular game like Valorant would have a very good chance of appearing on Steam, since that’s the gaming storefront with the most content. However, fans are probably going to be bummed about the fact that you can’t find Valorant there.

Where To Get and Install Valorant

Right now, you can get Valorant is via Riot directly, requiring an installation of Riot's launcher — the same one used to launch Riot's popular game, League of Legends, too.

Valorant can also be installed via the Epic Games Store — with Riot Game's having added their games to the store as a celebration of the release of Arcane in November 2021.

Not getting Valorant on Steam might be disappointing, but the game is still free-to-play, you just have to get it from a different store than usual. We do understand that it’s less convenient since Steam is probably what you're using to launch a lot of your games, but it’s a small sacrifice to make when trying out a new game!

That's all you need to know about installing Valorant, and whether it can be installed via Steam! If you're looking to install the game, we recommend our guides on Valorant's PC Specs and download size before you go ahead. If and when you're ready to play, don't forget to check out our beginners tips!

This article was updated on 16th November 2021 by Kelsey Raynor.

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