The mysterious Mirage manipulates the battlefield by using illusions, mirrors, and light, in such a fashion that makes her a very aggressive weapon that can multiply, turn objects into bombs and deviate aggro while attacking, making her very versatile.
Her Prime version also displays higher shields, armor, as well as two additional polarities. However, right now Mirage Prime is unobtainable until the Vault brings her back, so you may need to roam around the Trade Chat in case you want to obtain her blueprints.
How to Craft Mirage?
Mirage's main blueprint can be purchased from the Market. Component blueprints are awarded at the end of each mission for the Hidden Messages quest, and they must be built to obtain the next components. Additional blueprints can be bought from Cephalon Simaris for 25,000 Reputation.
Building Requirements
Mirage Blueprint Price - 35,000 Credits
Mirage Neuroptics - (Cephalon Simaris - 25,000 Reputation)
Mirage Chassis - (Cephalon Simaris - 25,000 Reputation)
Mirage Systems - (Cephalon Simaris - 25,000 Reputation)
Building Time
Warframe- 72 Hours
Components - 12 Hours
Mirage Overview and Best Weapon Options
Mirage is a versatile character that can perform various different actions while attacking. Her doppelgangers deviate aggro while also attacking at the same time, Sleight of Hand and Prism blind enemies, and Eclipse is a circumstantial ability that has different effects depending on the environment lighting, making her not only great for offensive approaches but also fairly mobile in tighter situations.
Mirage has an increased proficiency when performing several Maneuvers. Sliding lasts 85% longer and she has +50% faster Maneuver speed.
Hall of Mirrors
Mirage creates an entourage of doppelgangers to confuse and distract the enemy. Strength: 5% / 10% / 15% / 20% Damage percentage
Duration: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 Seconds
Misc:1 / 2 / 3 / 4 Holograms
Sleight Of Hand
Booby trap nearby objects while conjuring an irresistible jewel that bursts with radial blind when touched in darkness, or a radial explosion in light. Conjure multiple smaller jewels with the help of Hall of Mirrors.
50 / 125 / 180 / 200 Pickup explosion elemental damage
50 / 125 / 180 / 200 Jewel Blast damage
9 / 12 / 15 / 18 Seconds of trap duration
? / ? / ? / 5 Seconds of blind duration
10 / 20 / 30 / 40 Meters of trap radius
? / ? / ? / 12 Meters of jewel charm radius
4 / 5 / 6 / 8 Meters of explosion radius
4 / 5 / 6 / 8 Meters of blind radius
Misc:60 Meters of jewel cast range
20 Seconds of jewel duration
2 Meters of detonation radius
6 Meters of clone jewels distance
Standing in the light, Mirage deals heavy damage, while the shadows make Mirage difficult to track and even harder to hurt.
115 / 125 / 150 / 200 % Max. damage bonus
25 / 40 / 60 / 75 % Max. damage reduction
Duration:10 / 15 / 20 / 25 Seconds
Misc:95 % Damage reduction cap
Fires an energy prism that shoots lasers in all directions. Activating again detonates the prism, blinding nearby foes.
80 / 120 / 170 / 250 Minimum Radiation damage
160 / 240 / 340 / 500 Maximum Radiation damage
12 Seconds of prism duration
7 / 10 / 12 / 15 Seconds of blind duration
15 / 20 / 25 / 30 Meters of laser range
8 / 12 / 15 / 25 Meters of blind radius
10 / 13 / 16 / 20 Lasers
Recommended Weapons
Since we’ll be probably using Hall of Mirrors a lot of time, a few good weapons are the projectile-based ones like Acceltra and Epitaph, both because it’s useful to handle large groups of enemies, but also because it looks really, really cool. Redeemer will serve as melee just fine, and of course, if you can afford the Prime version, the better. Use as many Forma on them as you see fit to achieve the desired builds, and you'll be good to go!
Primary Weapon - Acceltra
Secondary Weapon - Epitaph
Melee Weapon - Redeemer
Mirage Best Builds
Mirage - All-Rounder Build
Mods List
Aura Mod - Corrosive Projection
Exilus Mod - Power Drift
- Overextended
- Flow
- Transient Fortitude
- Intensify
- Continuity
- Blind Rage
- Stretch
- Explosive Legerdemain OR Prism Guard
This build is an all-rounder build. In order to use the abilities effectively, you need to prioritize Strength, Range, and Duration, ironically leaving Efficiency completely unattended. This will allow you to inflict high damage in longer areas of effect, as long as you can. Explosive Legerdemain and Prism Guard will help you depending on your gameplay choice, with the former turning Health and Energy Orbs into dangerous mines, and the latter making you a turret whenever you use Prism.
For dramatically better results, and overall for a better energy economy in the build, it is highly recommended to replace the mods in the setup with their Prime or Umbral versions.
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