Watch Dogs Legion: Official Release Date For PS5, Xbox Series X, PS4, Xbox One, PC And Stadia

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Watch Dogs Legion was a hotly anticipated game originally launching in 2020, but in 2019 Ubisoft announced that they would be delaying the release date.

Watch Dogs first launched back in 2014, set in Chicago, then in San Fransisco and now London for the third game in the franchise.

The game will depict England's capital in a futuristic post-Brexit metropolis, where gangs and rival factions battle on the streets.

The upcoming action-adventure game is developed by Ubisoft Toronto and published by Ubisoft.

So when will the game release? Here's everything you need to know about Watch Dogs Legion's release date.


Release Date

While Watch Dogs Legion’s initial release date was set for March 6, 2020, Ubisoft announced that it will be pushed back.

All we have been told is that it will now release at some point during the 2020 – 2021 fiscal year - beginning on the 1st April


So why the delay? According to some media, apparently Ghost Recon Breakpoint’s poor reception has Ubisoft reconsidering the level of polish needed for launch.

Guillemot said that Ubisoft wants to ensure the “gameplay innovations” for each of its games “need to be perfectly implemented in order to offer an optimal experience.“

While this delay is rather disheartening for the players who were eagerly-anticipating Watch Dog’s upcoming launch, it is not the end of the world.

The game’s developers will now be able to deliver an experience that stands closer to their vision, ironing out all the creases and adding the finishing touches that they otherwise wouldn’t have been able to.


When it does officially launch, it’s expected to land on PS4, Xbox One, PC and Google Stadia.  It’ll also be available through Ubisoft’s new Uplay+ subscription service. 

Considering how close we are to the launch of the next generation of titles, the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, it wouldn't be a shock to see this to be delayed until the end of 2020 or early 2021.

The vague date is probably a smart move on Ubisoft's part to allow for Microsoft and Sony to battle it out for exclusivity rights and ensure that they can capitalise on a new console.

One issue they may face is that not every gamer will immediately switch over to the next generation, perhaps opting to still maintain a 2020 release and re-launch once the new consoles arrive.


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Written ByChris Trout@TheTrout91


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