World of Warcraft Classic requires players to level up a variety of weapon skills, and depending on the original race, the starting skills will be different.
Orcs will start with axes and Humans with swords, and to use something different, will be required to travel to a certain main city of their faction to train new skills.
Each different skill will start at level 1 and need to be leveled up to 300 at level 60 to be effective against enemies at the same level as the player.
The following trainers can be found in each faction's major cities, so find what you wish to train, and decide how difficult it will be to travel there at your current level, and decide if it is worth the adventure.
Read more: What Happens To Classic WoW Season Of Mastery Characters After The Season Ends?
All Weapon Skill Training Locations In World Of Warcraft: Classic Season Of Mastery
To find the exact locations of each NPC talk to any guard in the major city and ask to find the "Weapons Trainer" and they will mark your map.
Ilyenia Moonfire - Darnassus
- Bows
- Daggers
- Fist Weapons
- Staves
- Thrown
Bixi Wobblebonk - Ironforge
- Crossbows
- Daggers
- Thrown
Buliwyf Stonehand - Ironforge
- Fist Weapons
- Guns
- One-Handed Axes
- Two-Handed Axes
- One-Handed Maces
- Two-Handed Maces
Woo Ping - Stormwind
- Crossbows
- Daggers
- One-handed Swords
- Two-Handed Swords
- Polearms
- Staves
Hanashi - Orgrimmar
- Bows
- One-Handed Axes
- Two-Handed Axes
- Staves
- Thrown
Sayoc - Orgrimmar
- Bows
- Daggers
- Fist Weapons
- One-Handed Axes
- Two-Handed Axes
- Staves
- Thrown
- Staves
Ansekhwa - Thunder Bluff
- Guns
- One-Handed Maces
- Two-Handed Maces
- Staves
Archibald - Undercity
- Crossbows
- Daggers
- One-Handed Swords
- Two-Handed Swords
- Polearms
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