Where Are The Zombies In Warzone? What Do They Drop?

Call of Duty Warzone Season 2 has finally arrived, and you may be in for a surprise while working towards being the last player (or squad) standing on Warzone.

That's because everyone's favourite undead enemies, Zombies, have invaded the latest version of the Warzone map.

Here's where to find them, and why you should seek them out.

Read More: Black Ops Cold War Season 2 LIVE: Release Date, Time, 1.12 Patch Notes, Operators, Roadmap, Battle Pass, Maps, Trailer, Weapons, Warzone, Zombies And Everything You Need To Know

Zombies Heading To The Hospital

CONFIRMED: Zombies At The Hospital

The official Call of Duty Twitter account has confirmed the presence of the undead inside the Verdansk Hospital.

The undead look to be on the move once again!

After they've taken control of the Prison, it appears that their next target is the Verdansk Hospital.

Several content creators have been sent hospital scrubs with an ominous message.

"The latest diagnosis? It's looking grim in Verdansk. Escape while you still can, I'd say. Take two of these and I'll see you in the morning. But you won't last until morning."

Where Are The Zombies In Warzone?

While Zombies were initially found in the Vodianoy, a huge cargo ship stranded in Verdansk, it appears the undead aren't content to stay still.

They've since moved onto the Prison, to the east of the ship.

“You are recommended to exercise extreme caution: Reconnoitering within these newly confirmed anomalous zones may result in additional conflict, as speculative reports indicate secondary forces of unknown origin now residing both within the Prison Complex as well as the fully compromised Shipwreck points of interest,”a new post reads.

“Hostile forces are described as withered, exhibiting a cadaverous appearance, and lacking in contrastive cognizant function. Should you encounter these anomalous hostiles, no quarter should be given. Subsequently, a fighting withdrawal, immediate exfil and subsequent fumigation is recommended.”

What Do Zombies Drop?

Individually, Zombies don't drop anything. Take them all out, though, and you'll earn a "Yellow Keycard".

You can use this to open special loot caches in and around the Vodianoy to earn bonus weapons, gear, and cash to help make a difference and increase your chances of survival.

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