Destiny 2 Hawkmoon Random Roll Guide: God Roll and Quest Guide

Destiny 2 players have sniffed out a new hidden mission in the EDZ that rewards players with randomly rolled variants of Hawkmoon.

Essentially allowing players to farm the gun for their favourite combination of perks, it's a tough mission that's likely to need a fireteam to complete.

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Destiny 2 Hawkmoon Random Roll Guide

Before You Start

For one, you'll need to have gotten Hawkmoon from the "Let Loose Thy Talons" Quest before you'll be able to attempt this mission.

It's also worth ensuring your team have as many elemental weapons as possible. This is because the "Match Game" modifier is in effect, meaning you'll struggle against elemental shields without the right options to crack them open.

How To Start The Mission

Despite the lack of a marker, head to Crow to pick up the Bird of Prey quest.

The mission can be started from Trostland in the EDZ, but you'll need to find the entrance.

From the Trostland spawn point, head to the building directly opposite and look for a fireplace. Once you shoot it with Hawkmoon, it'll open up to reveal the option to start the mission.

Destiny 2 Hawkmoon Random Roll Guide

The first part of the mission has players jumping along the side of the dam in the EDZ, before hunting down a trio of Taken.

Doing so spawns the Hawk that you followed for the Hawkmoon quest, leading you to a pretty tough encounter with another Taken boss.

Defeat it, and another Hawkmoon is yours.

Destiny 2 Hawkmoon God Roll

For our money, here's what you should be working towards:

  • Fluted Barrel
  • Opening Shot
  • Polymer Grip

These will ensure your Hawkmoon has excellent handling, as well as dealing a lethal opening salvo.

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