Hitman 3: How To Zoom Your Sniper

Remembering what all the buttons are in any game can be difficult enough.

In the action of the moment, when every second count, not knowing how to do an action can be a nightmare.

While Hitman 3 isn’t designed to be a guns-blazing shooter, there could be a prime opportunity to perform a kill and if you aren’t set up, you’ll miss it.

As such, you’re going to want to know how to zoom in more with variable scope sniper rifles to be able to get kills from afar on PC, Stadia, Xbox and PlayStation.

How Do You change Shoulders Hitman 3?

You’ll firstly have to grab a variable scope sniper rifle.

Not every sniper rifle has this kind of scope, if they don’t it won’t work.

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Deliver death from a distance! (Image:IOI)

Read More: Hitman 3: How To Change Shoulders


First, aim with a scoped sniper rifle by holding LT.

While scoped, you can toggle the variable scope by pressing Up on the D-pad.


Aim with a scoped sniper rifle by holding L2.

Then, while still scoped, you can toggle the variable scope by pressing Up on the D-pad.


First, aim with a scoped sniper rifle by holding L2.

While scoped, you can toggle the variable scope by pressing Up on the D-pad.

Read More: Hitman 3: How To Reload Your Weapon


You’ll have to start by aiming by holding down the Right Mouse Click.

Then, while zoomed in, roll the Mouse Wheel forwards or backwards to zoom in or out!

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