Update 11.7 arrives in League of Legends this week!
Patch 11.6 brought a new of changes including champions, items, runes, summoner spells and more.
We're still waiting for the full details of what's to come in the latest update, but we do know that the beautiful Space Groove skins will be added in the next update.
These new cosmetics are also coming with new Summoner Icons and Emotes!
Here are patch notes for League of Legends update 11.7.
Read More: League Of Legends Tier List And The Best Champions Right Now (11.4 Update)
Click the links below to read all about update 11.7:
- Release Date
- Patch Notes
- Champion Changes
- Item Changes
- New Skins
- New Summoner Icons
- New Emotes
- Client Clean Up
- Future Updates
When Is The LoL 11.7 Patch Release Date?
Patch 11.7 will arrive on the 31st March 2021.
It will likely roll out at the following times (but this isn't confirmed):
- 3am PT(NA servers)
- 5am GMT (EUW servers)
- 3am CET (EUNE servers)
Read More: League of Legends: 2021 Patch Schedule - When Is The Next Update?
LoL 11.7 Patch Notes
Champion Changes
@MarkYetter has said that this patch's adjustments should present a reasonable shakeup to the jungle, bot and support metas.
Here's what he has detailed in the next patch so far.
- Alistar (Nerf)
- Q damage 60-240 > 60-220
- E damage on attack 35-290>20-275
- Amumu (Buff)
- Q mana cost 50-70>30-50
- E cd 10-6>9-5s
- Ashe (Buff)
- W damage 20-80 > 30-90
- Braum (Buff)
- E cooldown 18-10 > 16-8
- R max knockup 1-1.5 > 1-2s
- Hecarim (Nerf)
- E Maximum Move Speed 75% > 65%
- Ivern (Nerf)
- E damage 70-170 > 70-150
- Kai'sa (Nerf)
- R cd 110-70 > 130-70
- Kindred (Buff)
- Q bAD ratio 65 > 75%
- E cd 18-14 > 16-12s
- Lissandra (Buff)
- Q damage 70-190 > 80-200
- Morde (Buff)
- Q isolation bonus 30-50 > 40-60%
- Rell (Nerf)
- E stun duration 0.75 > 0.5s
- Thresh (Nerf)
- W shield 60-220 > 60-180
- Tristana (Nerf)
- Base attack damage 61 > 59
- Udyr (Nerf)
- Base AD 66 > 64
- Varus (Buff)
- AD per level 3>3.4
- Yasuo (Buff)
- AD per level 2.2 > 3
- Yorick (Buff)
- Mist walker draw tower aggro to themselves when attacking
- E marked champions continuously awaken graves during the debuff
- E mist walkers deal an attack when they leap
- R towers prioritize Maiden last (unless it attacks an enemy)
Sona is also being looked at in the next few patches according to Jeevun Sidhu, who is the Lead Game Designer on Summoner's Rift for League of Legends.
Item Changes
- Essence Reaver (Nerf)
- Cost 2900 > 2800
- AD 55 > 45
- Lord Dominik's Regards (Nerf)
- Cost 2900 > 3000
- AD 35 >30
- Everfrost (Nerf)
- Active damage 125 (+35% AP) > 100 (+30% AP)
- Active CD 20 > 30 seconds
- Serylda's Grudge (Buff)
- Cost 3400 > 3200
- AD 25 > 30
- Trinity Force (Buff)
- AD 25 >30
- AS 35 > 30
- New Passive stacks on towers
- Mythic passive 10% AS > 3 AD, 3 MS, 3 Haste
- Turbo Chemtank (Changed)
- Supercharged Move Speed 75% > 60%
- Supercharged Slow 40% > 50%
New Skins
Space Groove
New Summoner Icons
Photos via @moobeat
New Emotes
Client Clean Up
Riot has outlined plans to further clean up and improve their client in the first quarter of the year.
This includes:
Social Panel
- Social panel not connecting
- Friends list not loading, incorrect status being displayed, friends not populating
- Player won't be sent a friend request if their friend list is full
- Ranked information disappears from hovercard when a player is in a normal game
- Chat stutters when typing messages in quick succession
- Folders reorder themselves between sessions
- LoR and Valorant folders go missing when sorting by "Group Games & Servers"
- Clicking ‘Show Dates” in chat box will cause text boxes to overlap
- Friend Request notification only appears when the option is toggled off, and vice-versa
Client Stability
- Reducing crashes
- Reducing Javascript errors
- Continue to fix memory leaks
- Continued architecture work to clean up our codebase
You can read all of the details here.
Future Updates
Mark Yetter has also outlined some future projects and updates coming to LoL in 2021.
- Overly skewed towards Pro Play
- Champions that have pattern-level (as opposed to power level) issues that create difficulties for long-term balance
- THey're picked frequently in professional games but have very low solo queue win rates, making it painful when we nerf them
- These champs often display a pattern where "the more skill you have, the more you can remove the counterplay" as opposed to having difficult-to-execute combos that pros are just better at. As you might expect, at the pro level we're seeing the weaknesses mitigated too far
- Examples here - upcoming Tahm Kench changes, Sylas changes in Season 10
- Game health or counterplay issues at all level of play
- These champs are often balanced (as opposed to the pro play skewed champs who end up underpowered for regular play) and even sometimes popular. However, they degrade the overall game quality because they have insufficient counterplay or promote strategies that lower the depth and interaction of other plays
- Examples here - Aphelios (s10 range and AOE burst reductions), Akali (s9 invis under tower removal)
- Older champs that need love
- Often these champs have reasonable power/win rates but players just feel they aren't keeping up with the current game
- These updates will often look to strengthen the identity of the champ and find ways that make their current power more satisfying, clear, or skill expressive
- Examples here - upcoming Rammus changes, 11.3 Jinx changes
- Items not hitting their goals
- Not appealing - sometimes an item can be balanced but doesn't deliver on its fantasy in a satisfying way, so players don't buy it even in cases where it'd be good
- Unhealthy - removing counterplay or skewing the shape of the game too far (like burst, sustain, range) are problems we want to fix. (Hextech Gunblade)
- Unclear purpose - the item either doesn't have a clear set of circumstances where it's strong, or that circumstance is overly narrow. That makes it either generically weak, or a must-buy if tuned to be generically strong.
- Runes not hitting their goals
- Warping pattern - some runs can be under picked mostly because they demand too much from the player and end up feeling like "playing the rune, not the champion" (e.g. Omnistone)
- Dominating choice - some runes ruin the choice structure by being too generically powerful for too many different types of champions. (Conqueror has run into this a few times in the past)
- Game Health Issues - like the items, runes can undermine important gameplay. Nimbus Cloak is a recent example where it was breaking the intended weaknesses of many fighters and tank by giving them too much target access.
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