Pokemon GO kicked off 2021 with two stellar Community Days, as they have been some of the best in recent memory.
Now, players are looking ahead to what could be next for Community Day and we already know the answer to this.
Here's all you need to know regarding March's Community Day, as per Niantic.
Dates and Times
This month's event kicks off on March 6, and will run from 11 am to 5 pm local time.
Stay tuned for when tickets are going to go live for next month's Community Day!
This ticket will cost roughly £0.79 and is non-refundable.
Featured Pokemon
It has now been confirmed that the featured Pokemon for this Community Day is going to be Fletching!
The normal/flying type Pokemon was introduced to the series during the Kalos region and is a flying type Pokemon you encounter within the wild!
Community and Event Bonuses
The bonuses for the event are as follows:
- 3× Catch XP
- Incense activated during the event will last for three hours
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